1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan

1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan

1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan

The 1:1 diet has been developed by a leading Cambridge University Dr Alan Howard. He was one of the original pioneers of obesity research and founder of the International Journal of Obesity - who spent 50 years at the University of Cambridge, most of it researching and devising the optimum weight loss diet.

The diet plan is based on high protein products, balanced carbohydrates and low fat diet, which promotes fast, safe and effective weight loss. It includes a range of meal replacement foods that are based on natural proteins, which encourages fat loss, preserves lean muscle mass whilst ensuring nutrient sufficiency. There is something to suit everyone’s tastes from protein bars, shakes, soups to pasta dishes, and savoury snacks. A wide range of fresh vegetables is also very much recommended along side the products. The plan is personalised to the client’s individual needs. Initial consultation is provided, when we can discuss the full details of how the diet would work for you. Get in touch to book your complimentary appointment (virtual or in person) Tel. 0207 118 8377.

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